February 7, 2013

Proven Unfaithful

Is it wise to trust what’s proven unfaithful?

While I am sure we all have a knee jerk response to this question, I am asking that you, as have I, just think about the question.   The question is more of a journey than a response.  Its formulated answer is dependent of experiences, memories and our own hurts and heart.  We all need to find faith in something.  Do not fall for the delusion that you have faith in nothing, for then your faith is in your “self”.  If we only believe in self support, what will happen on that day when we cannot pick our “self” up? 

Be mindful that even though we have faith, faith is a catch-22.  We can address it, send it, even sport it, but what it joins up with is where reality is best viewed.   If faith and faithfulness is an intimidating topic for you to sit with, consider this rephrase:  Is something believable, or real, just because you believe it?    

Let me preface this journey with one last directive to explore: Even if we have never been unfaithful to another person, what about the ways in which we have been unfaithful to our self? Have you considered your own personal faith disconnected from all other factors before?  Use this to consider your own thoughts and ways. 

In order not to coerce anyone with my personal experiences, use what is written below to explore the travels of your own life.  Think deeply, ponder honestly, allow your emotions to be passionate and feel free to safely share what you would like. J

The blue astrisk's are links to bible verses which might stimulate deeper thoughts.  If there is a previous study I found applicable it will be linked for your convenience.

All things are permissible, *
You must choose what’s My best. *
All things are used to reform you,
Not all things are faithful and true. *
In all things your life is protected,
But not all things I deliver to you. *
Something’s offer you suffering,
Something’s are extending my peace.
Something’s will test as you try them. *
Some days are trying at best.

When an experience is over,
The proof is that which remains. *
Will you read the ashes as tea leaves, *
Or will you offer them up to my grace?
Battle not with your moments, *
Rest as you glean from my words.
Be tossed not into temptations,
Allow my solid earth to emerge. *
Only through the body of my waters,
Can any worthy life be raised up.
If waters part before you enter,
That body is not one I formed.
Be cautious, for the Lord keeps the body,
No one can stand where He’s not.
Though winds will howl and attack you,
Know only through Him can you walk.
Just like Jonah, trust I’m with you, *
In My belly you will always deliver up.
The gates of hell are always moaning,
Always calling out Sinner Come Home!
Don’t answer their lusting sweet nothings, *
For the salt of your soul’s what it craves.
But they have no water to quench them,
No oil to soothe their parched lips.
Think these deep thoughts throughout your moments,
Pray that others forms will be seen,
Together, relate all things in my presence,
For in my body there is knowledge giving life.
Do not place your pieces into darkness,
Evil thoughts throw fire giving false light.
My light illuminates without consuming,
My voice is not an adulteress luring away.
My body does not cover you in darkness, *
For I will never cloak you with shame.
Any one offering you this clothing,
Has no intnetion of offering you to me.
For when the mercy seat is overshadowed,
Trust there is an enemy blocking truth.
All to keep you bowed down to praise him,
To rape you of your glorious faith. 

When you feel your hope is flickering,
When voices or thoughts tear at your heart,
Listen beyond their intensity,
For I alone come make justice right.
You know I won’t leave you abandoned,
When they’re circling, crouching
Shrouding you with their stench. 

My presence is in you, and with you
And I cannot abandon my self.
In the quiet of your heart know I’m coming,
In the eyes of your mind see me there,
In the peace of your hope
feel me with you,
In my name, to my name, I am true.
Why would I exchange best for lesser?
You have been given unto me.
Would it be wise for me to trust you?
Not if I myself was found unfaithful,
For then I would have nothing to show.
Trust comes from experiencing, steps taken,
Confidence from making steps in faith.
Yes, the tempter comes to test you,
But to  show fractures, never to break.
Exposing vain steps of your image,
Will shatter where weakness hides.
God will not cover what could harm you,
He shows the place which pain sits.
By choice, we determine our actions,
Our response is directly relates to our faith.
We all have trip and fallen on our glory,
Because our own brilliance is merely a shame.
We cannot even sparkle in His presence,
So He lifts us into His glorious light.
He does not puff up and tout,  “Do better!”
He says “let me join your beauty and make it bright!”
He then makes room for our embellishments,
We are giddy, even awkward, but he knows we try.
Each way that He moves we cast a brilliance,
He smiles as we gleam and ignite.
Like moths to a flame the bodies flutter,
But the light chosen determines their form.
Though today you may feel as a caterpillar,
Do not despise this peculiar little space.
The only thing faithful is the process,
Set apart, we are held in His hand.
Unique individuals brought together,
He uses all things to correctly form.
When stretched we will develop courage,
Strength comes as we reach out to help.
Emergence will prove He is faithful,
And our flight viewed as wisdom to entrust.
All for the God of all creation,
Let's join and raise His body up.


©Candace Huffmaster 2013, All Copy Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc®






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