Well Hello Everyone!
I hope this finds each of you better than you've ever been.
It has been an extremely long time since I have had the time and space to compile a study topic.
Appreciating that the holidays are busy, with less time to dig into large segments of study; these things you can ponder as you go about, hopefully - at least the goal.
If we think about it, each of us believe many things. However, all things we describe as what we believe can be on vastly different plains. For example, I believe if I collect my thoughts and type them in this post, hit save then publish, everyone will have access to the information. Is this a reasonable belief? And Why?
Most things we deem "reasonable" is because we have experienced it. But then there are the things we believe which are Not based on our personal experiences. For instance, the large majority of us have not traveled to the moon, yet most of us believe it is not only possible but has happened. Many of us have not been to all the other countries, but we believe they are there and accessible. I cannot fly a plane but I have been carried by them, very successfully, many times over and I always believe they will get off the ground and land somewhere else.
What we believe is a building process comprising a multitude of influences: parents, environment, community, information and application to name a few. We have been given sensory organs to assist in sight, hearing, touch, taste and a brain to collect and process everything along this fantastic journey called living. So what makes some people believe in the things others determine unbelievable? Can our beliefs change? How does this affect us at our core?
Think of all the things we believe as everything needed for constructing our home, from blue prints to the actual building materials, comforts and aesthetic of our lives. Usually only our core beliefs are used for the blue prints and for actual weight bearing structures. We hire experts for jobs we are not skilled to complete and trust they have done what was asked. These outsourced jobs are beliefs we take on due to a person of influence. Most of us have preferences regarding décor inside or landscaping that is seasonal outside. These items are preferences which are constantly changing as our tastes change, or we get more information. They elements represent our individuality, opinion, and desires or ambitions. Together these things comprise where we dwell, our home, our family, who we are and all our life emanates from it.
Matthew 7 is speaking of the same subject: solid belief systems. It is also speaking of our influence and responsibilities toward others. None of us are able to undo the harmful effects of others upon our lives, but we can adjust and minimize impact moving forward. However, this will not happen and our lives will not change unless we take the time to think about things and do some discovery.
The question then is how do we see what we do not know to question? The answer is: inspect your structure in hopes of uncovering something before it's a problem. Most people realize when something begins to deteriorate - and they look for answers. But why wait? Christ tell us to "Ask and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you, for everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened." I wonder if that why He mentioned this before He spoke of the foundation issues? (Anyway, probably irrelevant.)
All I am asking you to think about is what do you believe - really believe. Any why? What benefit is it to you, your family, your community and ( if you believe in God ) His Kingdom. Then ask who is ultimately paying the price for what you're constructing.
Whatever you believe I pray it leads you to Christ - if not now, someday...
With Love - Kisses,
© 2019 by Candace Huffmaster, All Copy Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc ®
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