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For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. And they were oblivious...... Matthew 24:38,39...
Having taken some months away, to gain clarity, what I truly gained was liberating. We simply cannot begin to comprehend how oblivious we can be to the things God is attempting to show us. Sometimes it is more lack of understanding, immaturity in Christ, than lack of interest and or rebellion. This is why we are repeatedly instructed to be on the look out for:
For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: Do not let your prophets and your diviners who are in your midst deceive you, nor listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed. For they prophesy falsely to you in My name; I have not sent them, says the Lord. Jeremiah 29:8,9
Then if anyone says to you, "look here is the Christ!" or "There!" do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See....I have told you beforehand. Matthew 24: 23-25Our view points are nothing much at all, till we discern field of vision. Many times it is too narrow, other times it is too vast, and sometimes we are looking and seeing God on the field. Shouldn't He be seeing us in His field of vision? Park on that thought prayerfully for awhile ~ As we discussed in the past, It isn't about what we see, but rather if we seek Him. If we are holding up our thoughts, hopes, dreams and even what we are learning (ergo:the things which are real to us) to align them with the truth God has laid open before us, then we can have a hope of seeing what really going on.
It is far too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of "doing life". Most things are impressed upon us as vitally important, but are they? I understand that it appears easier to not rock the boat, but does it ever feel like the boat is heading over Niagara Falls?!? Maybe to jump ship is not as ridiculous as it appears, maybe it is......what do I know?
That is my point, actually: What DO I know? Truthfully....I know absolutely nothing outside of what has affected my own life. And those things, unless I know all the things of God, cannot benefit you and head you in the direction God is leading you, if it is His will, it can: Who am I to say? Somethings may be aligned, others will not. I do not know the desires of your heart, your pain, or all your ways; but God does, and He asks us to trust that He will show us the way in every thing.
Never discount what happens across your path, but also do not put too much weigh in it, with out the Holy Spirit assuring you...this is the way. We have studied Jeremiah 6 in the past where the Lord was speaking regarding everyone being given to covetousness and from the prophet even to the priest they are dealing falsely and having no shame. He tells them and us even now:
"Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls.....
But will you?? Do you? What about me, will I? Do I?
So let me ask you, the same question I always ask my self: Whether a thing is good, bad or just a thing, have you thought to hold it up to God before thinking about it any further? If you feel the need to ask a person, do not do so prior to asking the Lord for direction, where He is and what He sees regarding it. People, no matter how careful we are, how much we care, unless we have asked for God's involvement in opening our mouth to offer an opinion, are careless at best. I pray we not be shameful. But "when we are" I pray that we all have the humility to thoroughly blush and ask for forgiveness....and be oblivious no more. (at least regarding that issue :)
In closing, my prayer for us all is to not be so concerned with "what we see" but that we focus on seeking the one who see's all and ask Him, "What do you see that I can comprehend" please lead me through things and thank you for your patience, mercy and grace Every Day. - Amen
Please be sure to extend grace to folks, we need so much!
© 2016 by Candace Huffmaster / Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc ®
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