July 12, 2012

As Fragile As A Porcelain Soldier

I know the we all feel as fragile as a porcelain soldier at times. I also know that we each have ways of protecting our fragility as to not shatter what is left of us.  But remember, we may be pressed on all sides, but we are not crushed....in Christ. 

Sit with Him today as you read this.  Find another piece, a real, authentic, cherished piece and let Him hold it in His tender, healing hand.

Porcelain Soldier

Images shattered all around me
In my midst there is nothing as far as I can see
What I believed I saw in no longer standing
As I reach for what I held near, precious and dear
Like a porcelain soldier, attempting mighty battle
The truth attacked, needing only one direct blow
As the beautiful façade abruptly splintered
A vast cold darkness unknown to me appeared
My mind, heart and limbs now surely shaken
As the shards entered my tender trusting soul
What is real?  I feel as if all is reeling……
Why can I not see beyond this vast empty space
Me inside, all windows and doors now locked tightly
I hear deception creeping in from beneath the door
Sounding nothing familiar to my lovely soldier
Whom I trusted, loved... promising to adore
Why is not for me to know now......
To explain the unexplored depths of my ache
I hear the boast of the images past still mocking.....
Remembering their intent is to hurt showing they truly don't care
I believe I am loved and desired though,
By the only one who knows my deepest need
He tenderly cares while desiring to repair me
......All the cold callous rips into my very soul
He cries as I try to be strong, though it’s painful
To love them more than that which I have been shown
He encourages me to keep going
He gives me peace allowing me to try yet again
To believe in those things which are promised
To have hope in the things I still cannot see
He tells me He knows what has happened
And that only His truth will set us free
No matter how strong the force is appearing
He promises in no way will they ever again punish me

I live and I love,  crying sometimes…..
But now the tears are not covering me
They are poured out upon those bound, blind and hurting...
Trusting in shadows of all that is real, near and here
I pray that you reach out allowing life to touch you
To ensure that what is surrounding you is really there
Blow His truth in trust that He loves all things
Never desiring to harm what is righteous, lovely and pure
We love because He first loved us…..
This I know and is where my feet are firmly ground
Because it is He that conquered all of these things
So we must know, even now,  He in us will have His eternal victory.
I know your battles and I care – deeply, honestly, passionately and freely

By Candace Huffmaster
©2011 All Rights Reserved

updated ©Candace Huffmaster, 2012 All Copy Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc™ 

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