November 11, 2010

Ministry in Word


The Kings Heart



The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart.
Proverbs 21:1-2

A king has power over others. His will and command prevail, or at least it seems so to the kings of this world. The rich and famous flaunting their power of influence, though not the power of authority, also declare by their lifestyle that they are in control of their destiny. Then there are the self-righteous who think by their own power they can be good enough to make them feel good about themselves. They are regulating their behaviors according to their own standards of good deeds and good people. This describes practically all of us, yes, that is you and me, even though we dislike being labeled “self-righteous.” We all strive to be good and to do good deeds. But according to whom? “All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart” (Pro 21:2). According to man himself his ways just “seem” to be right, not necessarily truly
right, but in man’s arrogance he considers them right without having them weighed by the LORD.
一个国王有权力操纵其他人。 他的旨意和命令将必成就,或者至少这个世界的国
王看来是如此。 富有和著名的人标榜他们的影响力,虽则不是真权力,也藉着他
们的生活方式来宣称他们在控制自己的命运。 然后有自以为义的人,他们认为可
以凭他们自己的力量变得够好,因而使他们对自己感到满意。 他们根据自己的好
行为和好人的标准来调控他们的行为。 这实际上描述我们大家,是的,就是您和
我,即使我们厌恶被标记“自以为义”。 我们大家努力去做好人和做好事。 但是
〔箴言21: 2〕根据人自己他所行的在自己眼中只是「看」为正,不一定是真的

While we think that we are kings sitting in our own castles, directing the affairs of our own dominions, God actually has our hearts in His hand and he directs them like watercourses wherever He pleases (Pro 21:1). He causes all things to work together for the benefit of those who love Him (Ro 8:28). He can direct our heart to do good therefore bringing benefit to those who love Him. Or he can leave our hearts alone to do selfish things which God ultimately causes to bring good to those who love Him. It is comforting to know that whether someone plans to do good or evil and whether someone actually does good or evil, God always works out His good purpose. But woe to him who intends or does evil for God’s wrath will be upon him!

In biblical history the Moabite king Balak asked prophet Balaam to curse the Israelites. God caused Balaam to speak blessing to the Israelites every time he opened his mouth to speak curse on them (Nu 22-24). God’s ultimate purpose was to protect the Israelites. This is an example of someone intended evil but God directly intervened in its execution.
诅咒以色列人时他都说出祝福的话〔民 22-24〕。神的最终目的就是保护以色列

An example of someone intended evil and God allowed it to play out for the  ultimate good is the story of Joseph and his 10 brothers. His brothers did evil to him by selling him into slavery in the land of Egypt. After Joseph reunited and reconciled with his brothers in Egypt during the great famine, he told them that they intended to harm him, but God intended it for good to accomplish what was being done, the saving of the many lives of their families (Ge 50:20).
思原是好的,要保全他们家庭许多人的性命,成就当日的光景。〔创 50:20〕。

In the story of Rahab the Jericho prostitute who intended to do good to the two Israelite spies by hiding them in her home, she carried her good intention into action (Jos 2). This is an example of someone who intended good and followed through with a good deed. Through this God carried out His ultimate purpose of encouraging and preparing the Israelites for their first battle upon entering the Promised Land. God honored Rahab for her good intention and good deed. He chose her, a gentile prostitute, to be one of the ancestors of our Lord Jesus (Mt 1:5).
她把她的好意带进行动中〔书2〕。 这是有人有善意和以好行跟进的例子。 通过
争战做准备。神尊敬喇合的好意和好行为。 他选择她,一位外邦妓女,来作我们

God also directs the affair of man in the situation of someone who intends good but fails to realize it. A biblical example of this is Samson, an Israelite judge who was “set apart to God from birth, and he will begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the Philistines” (Jdg 13:5). Certainly Samson knew his responsibility as the judge of Israel, but he let his flesh govern his actions. This led to his downfall and capture by the Philistines. Even though he ended his twenty years of leadership of Israel in his death and the death of many Philistines (Jdg 16:25-31), God’s purpose of delivering Israel from Philistine oppression was fulfilled.
– 31〕,神要从非利士人的压迫中拯救以色列的目的达到了。

Although God is sovereign in His providence and all things ultimately work to benefit those who love God, we must be conscious of the part God intends for us to play in His grand scheme of things. We must heed God’s will in performing our duties for the part, not overstepping our boundaries or shrinking back, or taking credit for our accomplishment instead of acknowledging God’s grace, lest we suffer God’s wrath as the
consequence. In the final chapter of Judah’s history, Assyria was used by God to
discipline Judah as “the rod” of His anger and “the club” of His wrath against Judah “the godless nation,” but the Assyria’s purpose was “to destroy”, going beyond God’s intention for Judah (Is 10:5-7), so Assyria was later destroyed.
史的最后一章, 神用亚述国作为他怒气的「棍」和恼恨的「杖」来处分犹大,攻

Let us welcome God’s direction of our heart, and submit to Jesus’ reign of our life. Let us be like Rahab, start with a godly intention in all that we do and carry it out well, and then leave the outcome to our sovereign God.
让我们喜悦神带领我们的心,并且服从耶稣在我们的生命中掌权。 让我们模仿喇

Tom and Tehwan Tso

“The outcome of your faith is the salvation of your souls.” 1Peter 1:9
“信心的果效, 就是灵魂的救恩” 彼得前书1:9

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