My son, do not forget my teaching, But let your heart keep
my commandments; for length of days and years of life and peace they will add
to you. ~ Proverbs 3:1-2
As I was reading this scripture today, I saw something
different: God doesn’t want us to forget his laws, they are good. But he implores us to allow our heart to
guide us in keeping them. It is only by
His spirit residing in us that we are able to abide in His righteousness. He does not desire for us to strive in vain,
wearing our silly selves ragged. He
knows it is ridiculous for us to try. We
cannot even love each other well much less the hundreds of others below the ONE
which upholds them all.

Why is it always an either or scenario? What about the ridiculous saying “When the
cats away the mice will play”. What sort
of mind set does the statement form in us as we are to grow toward trusting
individuals? We have spoken many times
in regard to the harmless fairy tales we lavish on the impressionable minds
entrusted to us. Personally I love fairy
tales; I appreciate the underdog winning and the super inflated evil tyrant
being served his just reward. But do we keep stories in perspective of
teachable moments or leave these precious formative minds flailing between
creativity and real life application?
Each of us was created with fascination by the only mind smart
enough, powerful enough and able to complete us. We speak often of the verse: Since I am afflicted and needy, Let the Lord be mindful of me. You are my help
and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God Psalm 40:17
I have been silent for several weeks for many reasons – God is
bringing me through another layer of discovery and it is so very exciting! Whether I knew if or not I am not sure, but He
has been allowing me to make plans, knowing they are good plan with intent to
do His will and see that not all good things are His best for how He has
uniquely made me to relate to Him and others.
As for this season and I know not how long it will be:
I will have no agenda except that which the Lord places
before me. I will find the work which He
alone has for my hands to do and I will keep in my heart the knowledge that He
will prosper it all for His glory and name sake.
Do I know exactly what that means? Absolutely not! Does it concern me? Not in the least! As for me, I will worry about today and all
that is before me to accomplish. I will
find His provision only in His rest and I simply cannot allow my soul to exit;
for my soul needs its true mate….the spirit who forgets me not.
I pray that if you pick a beautiful daisy you not say any
longer, “ He loves me…..He love me not”
but say and teach to your children “He love me….He forgets me not!”
Remembering each of you with tender love,
©Candace Huffmaster 2013, All Copy
Rights Reserved
Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc ®
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