November 4, 2011

An Image, An Idol Which One is Real?

We must "Honestly" look at images.  We must find all the pieces which distort our reality.  Alone we will never be able to do this.  If we close our eye and walk up to something, so that the distortion of preconceived images will not alter our view then we might have a better chance of doing something alone.  But that would be a LONG process.  But that is metaphorically what we must do while traveling through the fragments of our lives Honestly. 

From here on out in the Honestly Series, we will be comparing our apples to the oranges.  Meaning, we will be collectively going through the pieces of our Honestly thoughts and making a new recipe to try ingredient by ingredient.  Please share your own recipes so we can come up with the best fruit juice EVER!

Today, think about what is written below.  It merges several topics in one place.  Below this I have listed  references from previous material.  I pray that each of you enjoy this day, piece by precious piece; that you drink it in deep and say Ahhhh that was delicious =D.

In Christ - with Love for you all,


An Image, An Idol Which One is Real?

We build an image piece by piece till we hold the creation of our own desire.  The form we clutch, comes from the forms of our mind.  God asks us to listen, to see piece by piece, what His form, His image looks like.

This is from my conversation with God journal this morning:

You ask us to listen - to see piece by piece
What your form, your image looks like.

Until, that we do, with you we can't relate
For the idol will always block our view.

The idol, we cannot please
For it has no own thought
Only those we attach and believe
If we call it good.....
If we call it strong.....
If we claim it hurtful and unjust.
So it will be, formed by our hands
Our labor for a love to be shared.

If we break it down, the dust will kick up
Making room and a space for new thoughts
What we set in stone, build up in design...
Builds a wall which our hands must tear down.

Tear down the walls........
Empty your hands..........
Receive piece by piece those He gives.

Watch Him and learn.....
Follow and See.......
The image of the One, the Only King.

~Candace Huffmaster

©2007, Candace Huffmaster, All Rights Reserved
©2011 Candace Huffmaster, All Rights Reserved
™ Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc

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