January 3, 2011

You Will Always Find What You Seek


Well it is a New Year guys.  2011; can you believe it?  Where did 2010 go. 

As for me, I have learned so much through this past year.  It was the largest year of growth for Kaleidoscope Butterfly, Inc, also known as KB, Inc now.  I am starting this year off with getting back to “101”.  You know what I mean, the basic of curriculums undergirding all else.  Our last Genesis post was October 26th.  That alone is enough to tell me to slow it down a bit. 

With growth comes restructuring.  With restructuring comes other individuals.  With other individuals comes delegation, and with delegation comes what to do when they move on.  Looking back, what I learned is that all individuals have to be seeking the same thing.  If not they do not stay.  We all know jobs are not forever.  However, what KB does is not a business it is a ministry so we always have to look at it in that light.  Ministries can only do what the flesh is willing to allow.  The spirit is always desiring to move.  But what is the flesh seeking?

Right now I am taking this opportunity to thank every individual and organization that has understood and extended so much mercy and grace toward our efforts at times.  We thank God for the grace and provision to be able to get to all that we do accomplished.  Sometimes God changes our time lines and circumstances, doesn’t HE? 

All this to get up back on track with a new year and a face set on Unity. 

In Matthew right after the sermon on the mount, Christ teaches the disciples the how to pray.  He follows this up with “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you”  He was speaking about clothing, food, relationships, business…..ALL THINGS.  Notice He did not say all things will be added to the Kingdom, He said all things will be added to “you”. 

In Genesis we stopped with “What do you See”.  This year I am picking it up with “What do you Seek”.  Huge difference!!  God tells us to “seek” him with all our heart, soul, and mind;  when we seek Him we will find Him.  We always find what we are seeking when we do this.  Let’s look at Genesis:

Genesis 3:5-9(GWT)For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing the difference between good and evil and blessing and calamity. And when the woman saw that the tree was good (suitable, pleasant) for food and that it was delightful to look at, and a tree to be desired in order to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she gave some also to her husband, and he ate. Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves apronlike girdles. And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, Where are you?

We discussed in October that Satan was shifting our mind in order to shift our view.  We see only our heart seeks.  No matter what is there our heart and mind shifts it to fit our desire.  This is the paradigm shift I wrote about last month. 

Adam was no longer seeking God – He desired something else to be added.  Eve did as well.  If you go back and read our past studies you will see God has been seeking to provide for us, so that we may seek Him. 

The Lord God has been calling your name and saying to you, “Where are You?”  He sees YOU, He simply cannot get you to see Him.

I pray this today, January 3rd 2011, you will seek first God and allow Him to add all things to you.  That is His desire and good pleasure toward you. So If you have been hiding like Adam and Eve…..  “Olly, Olly Oxen Free”!

With Love,


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