November 23, 2012

And Yet.....I Drive

We have been discussing stories in group.  Formulating our thoughts and revisiting past realities along with the view we have up ahead.  It has brought up some very interesting topics.  Today, as we were reading Uproriaous Delirium we focused on driving ourself crazy.  It truly is a rediculous statement when you think about it.

For those of you not in a group, this is the segment from the storyline:

How can I sit in this seat, night after night, with these tired, worn-out chick flicks?  I can't help myself though.  They are like a dear old friend; I would miss them if they were to go away.  It is like a bad habit you desire to stop, but cannot seem to allow your foot to move off the gas pedal and onto the break.  So you simply sit behind the wheel, going at your own speed, almost hoping at times that you will run out of gas.  You want to stop, but yet don't at the same time. 

If I were to be honest, I would really have to quesiton my own thought, because if I were to run out of gas, I am fairly certain, I would get out of my vehicle, dash for more gasoline, sit back down, turn the key and then place my foot on the escellerator and rolled along.  You know what that means, right?  I'm actually driving "myself" crazy.  Isn't that insane? And yet......I DRIVE!

No one can drive us crazy in reality.  We have to get in our car and follow their directions.  Over time, we simply decide we are not going to turn around and go a different way. 

Think about it, don't drive anywhere you don't want to go.  You really are in control of your own automobile.
What state are driving into? If you don't want to go on that trip, turn your vehicle around!


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