November 23, 2011

Love is Unconditional, Relationships are Conditional

Good Morning - I want to take a moment to wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving.  It is possible I will not post anything in preparation of an early meal (YIPPEE!!) 
Many of the e-mails bounced back from this post - no surprise since I was sending it from my BB device.  In order for you to understand the full meaning of today's post you need this part - If you already read this simply skip down below the second dotted line for today's information.
Saturday November 19, 2011
Still pressed for time and have not been able to get these things proofed and loaded.  I have to pick back up and just send them as they are. These all lead into each other - and usually I take them "from private conversations and reorganize them into generic conversations"  However, there is no time for that.
Today I will start with Oct 18th - I pray these give you whatever answers or thoughts you are requesting:
I do love you with all of my heart - The heart that you gave me planted deep in my flesh - which enlivens my soul to think all these thoughts
Without a spirit our mortal life ends - of this no one questions - the just do not know where to begin.  You tell us the beginning you tell us our earthly end.
You speak of the spirit realm to guide all our days: to prepare us for eternal life; to choose our self you say.
I think I see something of this space in between.  It is where the path crosses - our collisions of space - the time you will not cut short- the moments of our days.
If you had not paused us on the planet of earth, given us the space to think our broken thoughts, all of us who enter here would have been separated from you - and you could not allow that so you planted, you planned the perfect place called Eden to house the broken thoughts of man.
You planted him in the east corner - you protected the gates back in - you set flaming swords at the cross road, your truth and your right hand. 
You have the Highest of Angels covering all your truth, charging any invader back from whense he came.  Of destruction there will be nothing - You've ensured that victory will last.  From beginning through all ages all is held and place by the only I AM!
Lead us as you search us - the Holy Spirit is embracing all.  Through Christ were held together - His body will never be torn - The separation was done on the cross, to this day all things are shaking - as He kicks the dust from His feet.  Each day He fights this good fight and we pass through the shifting sands of time - to Be sifted, shaken and polished for His glorious head to shine.
The crown He wears is not ashes - no longer thorns ground from this found.  We are now brilliant gem stones and He displays us all with eternal pride.
Think about this and I will send the last part when I get back to my computer today.
With love and a holy kiss,
East of Eden I planted man; my heart I riped to give him; My choice - by my very hand
If not for my deep pleasure of a birth, even I knew pain,these things we would not be mentioning; My all would have been into Me.
In that I found no good thing; for I had love too large to hold. It became useless and so heavy when it weighed upon me.
I created man to share it  - to carry it throughout their days; to teach them of its good pleasures of the liberty without the weight ~ but they must see past their own love or they will be buried by the pounds..... The pulse of every rivet as it presses them into the ground.
Water will surely save them - for it washes away the earth ~ Just as the family of Noah who I also gave a second birth. 
Then there too was Jonah who's life had a whale sized love - It sank Him straight to the bottom; it bound him to take his last breath; but through the waves I released him to take a second chance.
Though you walk at times through deep valleys and at times the desert seems hot ~ believe me when I tell you there are things you do not WANT to know.  While knowledge seems inviting ~ to understand evil seems sound ~ the only Tree worth its value is the Tree that brings you life.
The tree of choice bore all burdens ~ His blood cleansed the choice that was made.  You now have the chance to choose Eden ~ the home of the (7?) streams.  Walk in; between the cherubim ~ for their arrows will not touch your head ~ inside are my children and great pleasure ~ your family, your friends, your TRUE life.
Be Well - because all is Right.
Kisses C~
Duet 28:7  The Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they shall come out against you one way and shall flee before you 7 ways.

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