October 17, 2011

Protect Your Heart and Theirs Wtih A Blanket of Love

Dear Father,

Please forgive us of our many sins.. daily. Strengthen us, Father, so that we might not....will not stumble. Keep our eyes so tightly locked on you that all else fades from view. Show us our shortcomings so that we allow you to be even more present in this place. Allow our life to be totally consumed by your will, so that your will is increased to the point that it radiates your kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven.

Thank you for our provision, our abundance in the overflow of health, finances, relationships and peace. Let us, above all else to exhibit your joy, so that others see your face in a very real way - no matter what we are facing.

In Jesus Name, I pray this for myself and for everyone else lifting their voice in harmony as a blanket to cover all your creation Father; Amen.

ABLE To Love
" Keep watching and praying that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41

There is something we need to understand - it took me a very long time to realize this, and even though I now understand, it is sometime a struggle to exhibit true patience when living this out. With that being said; We must truly understand that being able to love another person does not mean that the other person is "able" to love us. Not that they do not desire to, or even believe that they do and possibly even think they are doing it well.

In one of my journals I was talking to God about this trying desperately to understand my pain, this is what I wrote:

I just don't know how to protect my heart Lord.......show me.
I only seem to desire to reach out and allow myself to be available...to get hurt.
Help me Father, to reach out to you instead, but help me understand all this.
I remembered when God was showing me back through a time when I was crying out to Him over a situation. He related to me that in actuality ...I was hurting myself because the person was not desiring to reach toward me....yet I kept reaching toward the person. Metaphorically the person kept slapping my hands away, to keep away from me . As I continued journaling these memories to God, I realized " This person wants to stand in my presence and fight me off watching me get frustrated and hurt, not because they wanted me to leave - it was only about power.  But they were not capable of caring about me, because it was all about them; they took up too much of their own field of vision."

God reminded me, " That is what Satan does he comes to destroy, just remember that is not of you....you did not cause that to happen."

My reply was this " So, help me God, because his words are deceptive." "You told us to guard ourselves against Satan's schemes....so lead me, instruct me, grow me in your wisdom and peace. I know you overcame more than what I am dealing with. Give me your full armor and show me how to be a mighty warrior through all that YOU are. I am not one that will shrink back to the destruction of my soul. I am a child of the Most High God!

Our Father created us and all is His. He needs us to take our place in His lineage to show others what all this means. He needs us to show others why it is so important to choose Life, to obey and follow.  They need to know how to rest in His peace; allowing Him to bring all to pass and His completion to be brought in."

After journaling I prayed: " I adore you Father and I will obey, I will follow. You have said it is so and I claim your precious words. Let it be as you have said "I AM".

Gods still, peaceful voice resounded in me casting all confusion away, " Fall on your knees, bow before Me". " and when you have done all to stand.....Then STAND in my strength"

From all this what I realized was that Satan was utilizing my and the other persons thoughts / actions to  stand in our presence and cause chaos. What God desires is for us to allow Him to utilize our mind and actions enabling Him to stand in our presence ushering in peace. He promises that His truth brings light into darkness and that all opposing forces must flee when He is in power.

Let us bring this to remembrance whenever the spiritual battle lines are drawn. God is not the defeated foe.....it is Satan. We are children of the Most High God and He said ALL victory is HIS...that means we win all battles. Don't look for your personal win, Look for God's win. They look very different. Allow God to train you up so that you will always recognize the enemy in your midst. 

Tomorrow we will go deeper into what the foe looks like, acts like and how to utilize your God given power to defend yourself.

 It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.Galatians 5:1

With Love,

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