October 31, 2011

How Can I Hold Something I Can't See?

John 14: 27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you.  Do not let your heart be troubled nor let it be fearful.
Matthew 10:11-14 When you go into a city or village, look for people who will listen to you there.  Stay with them until you leave.  When you go into a house, greet the family.  If it is a family that listens to you, allow your greeting to stand.  But if it is not receptive, take back your greeting.  If anyone doesn't welcome you or listen to what you say - leave that house or city and shake it's dust off your feet.
Our "Honestly" topics have been: keeping the peace, being pressed on all sides, integrity, staying on the correct path and being aware of our journey amongst others.  While we have many kitchy analogies Christ has the answer; peace.  And He is clear that there is more than one peace.  He lovingly tells us to listen to His advice, His wisdom, His warning.......

Christ did not want us to be afraid of this world and the antics of others.  He told us He was not going to abandon us like everyone else does.  He also doesn't commit himself unto us as the world does.  Christ left us more than empty words, an empty gift box if you will.  He is the Good Sheppard; His parting memento for us to "cling to" until He returns for us was His Peace.   

Think about this:  Christ used this peace to get Him through everything He experienced.  It wasn't like some hand-me down because He wasn't going to need it any longer. It was something HE clutched which empowered Him, silenced the raging storms, allowed Him to not get offended, comforted Him when everyone else ridiculed Him, left Him, abused Him.......  It was precious to him!  We also know that there is more than one peace.  Think about all the "things" we hold on to claiming momentary peace.  But those are not what He was talking about.  His ONE and ONLY precious peace He could leave us and did not withhold from us.  Christ was going home.  He was one within God and God is LOVE.  There is no fear in LOVE.  So there is never a disturbed moment in eternity. Where He is Liberty and that IS peace. 

We may have been told this, even claim the knowledge of it; but do we really believe it?  IF we do believe it, why do we not "hold on to it"?  Do we set it down?  Do we throw it at someone?  Do we open the box and perceive nothing is there?  WHAT does it look like?  Would we know it if we WERE holding it????????

In my opinion these points are the reason for our delima, it's an enigma to us.  We cannot understand what it "Looks Like" we only perceive if we have or do not have it based on our feelings. Yet, we are told not to be driven by our emotions.  Sounds crazy doesn't it?  But God isn't trying to feed us with frenzy.  He is desiring us to think, to be still, to listen and learn. 

So...let's pick up where we left off.  We had just aligned ourselves with the accuser.  We all know we would never do that purposefully.  But remember, we were pressed and feeling like dust.  WHAT Happened???
Trusting the word of God, I'd have to say we did not heed the discerning words of Christ from Matthew 10. (oops!) 

Remember from the Deeply Series, we discussed "extending peace"  We reflected on our peace not being received, or sometimes it was taken but not shared.  When we extend peace, but the peace is not returned we are supposed to leave "with our peace". We are not called to be bound again as if we were never liberated.  We are not to stick around and get pummelled!  Even in marriage we are told if the one we are bound to decides they do not want to believe the truth, we are to allow them to go.  We are not "under" obligation or bondage in such a case; but to remember God has called us to be peaceable people. 

Sometimes I think we kick dust from our feet after we have given away our peace.  When I think about this I see us acting a bit like Herman Munster throwing a temper tantrum. I am embedding the YouTube link to an episode of The Munsters where Herman starts out teaching Edie their family values on being peaceable people.  However, when Herman's own rubber hit the road his vehicle  did not quiet stay on his well intended path.  I don't know if the ONLY reason Christ had to leave His perfect environment in the heavenlies was to show us "what it looks like when the rubber hits the road and stays on track to the finish line" or not, but I do know we really should be grateful that He did. 

We get our biblical definition of "hold peace" from the Greek word SIGAO - which means to keep silent, keep close (secret, silence), hold peace. Sigao is from the primary Greek word SIGE meaning to hiss, silence.  This reminded me of when Christ was being pummelled by the crowds, we are told He kept silent:  He held his words, He did not enter into their battle.  He was undoubtedly being provoked......But he "held his peace" anyway. 

Lastly, I want us to be aware that holding our peace is not our weapon.  The gift was "The Peace" itself. The Greek word EIRENE (which phonetically sounds like irony :0) it is defined as peace, rest - denoting an absence or end to strife.  It is a state of untroubledness! Can you imagine what it would be like to abide in undisturbed well being?  Here is a further description from Lexical Aids: 
Such a state of peace is the object of divine and saving promise and is brought about by God's mercy, granting deliverance and freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as a result of sin.  Peace as a Messianic blessing is that state brought about by the grace and loving mind of God wherein the derangement and distress of life caused by sin are removed.  hence, the message of salvation is called the Gospel of peace.  It can only be the result only of accomplished reconciliation, referring to the new relationship between man and God brought about by the atonement.

I pray that today, firstly you enjoy the relationships around you.  Be out there among people as salt and light.  Don't be some heavy legalistic non relate-able martyr that a worldly person is offended by you.  Remember, you are in their world - they are not in yours.  You are supposed to be leading them into another dimension.  You cannot do that if they are running the other way from you.  Give them something which resembles peace, be something brilliant that makes them take a second glance!  Allow Christ to walk among them and meet them right where they are - hopefully if you and I will stand in the moment silently pressed between the heavens and what is below, His spirit will flood their realm and they will be amazed by His truth flowing up from within us.  Enjoy this episode -
Have a Holy Halloween - BE a Holy Spirit today!


  1. I love to read your thoughts. PEACE. Such a simple word but not such a simple lifestyle. Yet, in Christ, it can be. I pray that I can and am living that lifestyle that others might be drawn to His peace within my spirit. That He will drip from my countenance onto those surrounding me.
    Thanks, Leola

  2. As I was reading your prayer and lifting it up with you, your bold type of PEACE followed by "such a simple word" created a picture in my mind.

    Piece by piece each letter seperated and kind of blossomed into an arbor covering you:
    (P) - please enter Leola, cover and keep her (E) - embrace her softly to give her stength (A) - Anoint her with fragrance oils of your purest essence
    (C) Calm any winds that might blow strongly her way
    (E) - Eternal love of our heavenly Father received through our Christ so we know it is done.
    Thank you Leola for making our Kaleidoscope of Butterflies more spectacular!

  3. I love picture words. Thanks for that special one.


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