Lead them in Peace,
Walk them in Light,
We'll find Him in our sights….Listen through Love,
Could You Please Just Sit Still?
We are thinking honestly about how to be a person of integrity. In considering the book of Galatians we have found some guiding principles to keep us on the right path. We have discussed how we usually know the right thing to do and I will even venture to say desire, to some degree, to actually follow through. If I believe that I am squeezed between a rock and a hard place. (Rather like "the space between what is above and below" we have been using as an analogy, right?) So what happens in this point of pressure? If you are anything like me, you want to run out from between the pressure points!God’s word tells us we are pressed on all sides but not crushed. That does not sound like someone running around flailing as if they are dodging bullets to me. It sounds as if the person is grounded in one place; enduring the constant pressure and discomfort from all sides even if the forces bring them to the point of pain. Hence the encouraging scripture written for our remembrance - when you have done all to stand, stand! Not Run.........Stand!
Take a moment to pause, reflect on this before we get back into our letter of encouraging wisdom from Galatians:
We don’t have to move to find God...... He is already here. Our emotions want us to feel as if we "have to" go to someone, some place or some thing; when all we have to do is acknowledge, “in the moment”, His presence. Where in the world are we going when we say we have to go “find” God? To who on earth can we flee to, who can save us? As Peter said when Christ asked “are you going to leave me too?”, “Lord, to who else would we go; you have the words to eternal life?”
When the rubber of your tire hits the road, where do you choose to go – toward the land of life, or back onto the road leading you through the moments into death?
We are such emotionally driven beings. Remember back in the “Deeply” series when we talked about how our emotions are directional tool for navigation, not the gasoline that makes us go? Today we are going to look at “What your life will look like or feel like when you and the Holy Ghost are in the groove moving along the heavenly highway.
This we know, there will be times when:
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So bring all this to remembrance when arrogant people mock you or foolish people are cruel. Be on alert that evil is crouching, desiring to have its way with you. Instead of swaying from Peters resolve take his same path; use the protectors which kept him going straight:
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I can hear some of you ask, “What should I do if I was confused, did not run fast enough or was deceived and became ensnared?” Good question and God has the answer:
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- Even in your misery you found a friend or comfort – praise God that He heard your request for kindness and showed up with His faithful promise in your time of need.
- Request that He teach you to use Good Judgment and knowledge because you believe in His principles and guidance.
- Talk to Him about how you used to wander off before He allowed you to suffer.
- Bring to His remembrance and yours how you have grown beyond that – now you cling to His word, you keep it set before you desiring to not turn away from it.
- Speak of His goodness and how He does good things as you request to be taught His governing laws of life.
- Speak to Him about what you’ve seen and the value of His authority over all things
- Arrogant people smear me with lies
- Their hearts are cold and insensitive
- It is Good to suffer for awhile in order to learn the truth
- His ways are higher than our vanity and our riches are worthless in comparison to His wisdom
- Give praise to Him in honor and glory for creating you as you are – what you are and ask that He help you understand so that you may learn His commandment of loving-kindness
- Tell Him you desire all this, so that those who fear Him will see you and rejoice because your hope is grounded in the base of His truth, His word, His promise and His faithfulness
- Speak of how fair, righteous and just He is to allow you to learn in through protected experiences
- Ask for His mercy to comfort you as He promised
- Request His compassion to reach you right in these moments so that you may live and thrive by His instruction, energy and successful break through
- Ask that He show up as your mighty deliverance even as you reflect His image in all ways to: humble their arrogance, speak truth covering their lies, change their vision, soften their heart so that they may fear the Lord and turn back toward you in hopes of seeing the way to Him
- Ask that your heart be filled with integrity in regard to His guiding principles so that you are above reproach
My Aunt Bonnie took the time to write down these quotes for me to share with you all, she thought they might bring you encouragement at some point (thank God for inherited family =D):
If you are going through Hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill
Do one thing every day that scares you. – Eleanor RooseveltI know this was a lot of information, but it is not a onetime read. Neither is the bible, by the way (wow that was a bit snarky – anyone have a spare “snark princess” tiara? I pray you forgive me….) Honestly, that was as much a reminder to myself as anyone else; but you already knew that, right =D)
Today I pray that your faith not fail. I ask you to pray fervently; Satan at times demands to sift us like wheat. I ask you to not fall asleep in your sorrow, but to be alert – aware that evil is crouching at your door waiting for that moment!
Tomorrow we will look at the bumpers which keep us on His lane when our faith happens to flail. Till then “Keep the peace!” No one will be lost on Christ’ watch, we know that in advance.
I pray that we Lead them in Peace, Walk them in Light, Listen through Love – because this is Good in His sight….
With Love, desiring to stimulate you toward Goodness….for Goodness Sake =D
©2011Candace Huffmaster, All Rights Reserved
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