July 28, 2011

Created To Sound

As I am continuing to study Job and we converse, I hear so many words exchanged between these men.  I hear broken hearts, shattered hopes, crushed lives and arrogance. 
You have been reading Job on your own and journaling about common situations, today I wanted to open us up to understand what Job was stating when He addressed his discernment that his friends were acting deceitfully.
Deceitfully is translated from a Hebrew word Bagad: defined as to act covertly or fraudulently, secretly, deceptively, to cheat, to betray, to oppress, to afflict, to spoil. 
In the KJV it is translated: transgress, transgressor, offend, be unfaithful, deal treacherously. Most of these are figurative uses of the literal root “to cover” as with a garment.  This is similar to our expression cloak and dagger.
What I found interesting is that it appears 47 times in context of marriage, Israel’s unfaithfulness to the Lord and interpersonal relationships.  It also states that wine may cause people to act this in this way.
There is a poem listed below for the purpose of seeing what our hearts intent is supposed to be, how we are utilized by God as well as His view point of situations. 
In Job we already read, that this is about Satan attacking God’s integrity and our ability to see His character.  I find it odd that there appear to be lengthy monologues expressing their own wisdom of God, I cannot wait to move past the sounds of their noise and embrace the movements of God himself.
Please search the sounds charging your environment, listen to them, find out if they are nothing more than an empty echo or wisdom from God.  Seek environments that fill your spaces with encouragement and truth even if those honest words humble us.
Write about it – I would love to have some of your prose to share with everyone.  Think about it.  I will be posting what I have been given on our creative commUNITY page – www.seecreativityspeaks.org
With Love,
Created To Sound
Can an instrument of itself create music?
Is there even an ability producing sound
Having no knowledge of composition
Simply a vessel for brilliance to utilize
The mind and the skill of the creator
Understands contour and rhythm - counterpoint
The instrument knows not to pause, rest or surrender
Unless through the object, His spirit blows
His fingers skilled to bring forth the desire
All tension calmed when His power is aligned
His melody sooths the troubled moments
The weary hearts now embrace with joy
This unity is real, we now remember
Alone, our melody empty, just a note hanging midair
To hear a sound, we repeat, receiving echoes
From the returning vibrato no distance is relief
Their constant refrain surges negativity charging all spaces
The lack of rests and restraint drains His peace
At any time the Maestro may silence the instrument
He can withdraw the knowledge and His skill
He may choose a more willing accompaniment
One desiring to listen learn; engage respectfully
Believing alone their note assumes no grandeur
Their intense tone no more than a symbol clang
When not encapsulated in time embracing silent movements
The conductor must choose to save integrity
Today practice, watch and listen
Waiting for the conductor’s hands to align
Together we each are significant
He provides a stage  for each unique part
We, as one, support His heart’s desire
To release the beauty of our individuality
Sharing the splendor of each brilliant succession
Allowing His symphony to resonate upon all life
Fulfilling His greatest commission
Our will alighting heaven from earth through His song.
By Candace Huffmaster
©2011 All Rights Reserved

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