May 4, 2011

Another Moment, Another Thought, Another Day and On It Goes

Conversations with my Dad
journal entry

Good Morning Dad - Christ - Holy Spirit.... you are so______ I don't have a word Dad so I will move to my knees at your throne.

When I talk to you, sometimes I feel like I am ignoring Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  But I know you are one.  I don't want to get caught up in this thought - but I am curious???? If you desire, whenever you desire would you enlighten me please.  

Daddy, I need time with you.  I am so very vulnerable - okay...I heard you "No, I am not vulnerable because you and you alone keep me from vulnerability!" 

Today would you like to tell them anything?  Me anything? 

Listen - be still.....

My presence is in you - around you
sustaining you, submerging you, merging us
whether you "emotionalize" it or not - that is what you have to know - believe - trust

Whether you feel it or not - it is, because I AM
and we are one; always in all ways
No matter what is going on, what you receive, have or do not have
I AM with you and you are not vulnerable!
But... you have to Believe

At this point if you can not believe without the manifestation of seeing it, then you will never see it
The test is "what you set your hope on"

If your hope is in a place, activity, thing or person  - when you do not obtain that goal or object as you desired / or perceived it should be, your hope goes away.

However, if your hope is in me alone and you do not obtain what ever the secondary hope was - your hope will not be affected because it was only a bonus.

I only hold back I do not stop your hope from appearing - but you must some times be enlightened through the test as to what your "true" hope is on - so that when you are in trouble you will not fear and cast away your hope - which has a great recompense and reward. "Let not your heart be troubled"  "The truth shall set you free" "What the Lord sets free is free indeed"

The reward is to hear "well done my good and faithful servant" and to know you have grown.

When that is enough for you - you are truly maturing into your image of Christ, your head.

Does that make sense?

"Share your experiences with each other, then others will know I care - I AM real and Be Freed!"

Okay~I will for you Lord

There is a story to be told....................

It is the story of what we believe
The faith of the cloud of the witnesses
Our life as one with the King

He has reigned since the beginning
He will reign for all eternity

Each day we weave our stories
through the moments of unending time
the thread of hope will not unravel
the blanket it quilts is LOVE

Journey with me and the others
tell us the moments of your life
Be One with us and the Father
Be a brother a sister to life

Walk the steps of those before us
Reach deep to be touched by their lives
Now take your hand to touch others
Walk with them till they see
How great is His love for them
How Deeply He Desires us to Be Free.

With a Deep, Honest, Passionate and Freely given Love in Him who uphold all things one breath at a time -
To Each Of You,

© 2006 All Rights Reserved by Candace Huffmaster

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