April 20, 2011

Am I a Klepto?

Continuing on our topic of Yokes – what are we truly tied up to? What is harnessing us? You will know when you expose your thoughts by answering the following questions:
What are you protecting?

Your Love exposes the truth. Fear causes our loving arms to wrap around stuff / people / ideas forming a defense to keep what we cherish from being stolen. Liberty, generosity, trust, faith and love causes our righteous arms to support, protect from harm and yet free whatever is encircled by our care.

At times we deceive ourselves by not looking at this truth. We live such defensive lives we are not aware of the conversations going on in our own mind. Many of us are so fearful we constantly remind ourselves of how others fall short and that we are only doing what we must do because of their brokenness. While there is a mustard seed of truth in what we speak because ALL of us are a mess, it is important to remember: nothing can ever be taken from us when we are ready to give in a time of need. After all – we own nothing, every good and perfect things comes from Him.

Also, we must be aware that there are many times when we ourselves create crisis because we will not get up and do things ourselves. WE place expectancy on others in our midst to do the work for us. We choose not to look at what we are doing to them – and call it an unconscious mistake.

Ephesians 4:28, God lovingly took the time to tells us exactly what this looks like so that we may discern and take positive action to correct this as we transform through the renewing of our minds.

Thieves must quit stealing and, instead, they must work hard. They should do something good with their hands so that they’ll have something to share with those in need.
The original Greek word in the scripture above is klepto and yes it is where kleptomania is derived from. This condition does not really have anything to do with the value of items or even the act of stealing. It stems from mood disorders, addictive personalities or insecurity / lack of control. It is not thought out or planned it is more of an unconscious compulsion.

God explains how to get on track:
  • Get conscious
  • Look at what you have
  • Look for ways to do good for others
  • Get busy doing good for others

Think back about how Jesus related to people. Did he fix their discomfort by filling their lives with material comforts? No, he gave them truth, told them how to obtain what they needed. But when people had no other resource and it was a crisis he did give them physical things. 
I pray for God to keep our eyes on where we alone need to grow and being accountable for our own actions and walk so that we can be a lovely catalyst for tranformation of our communities.
With Love,







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