March 11, 2011

City Called Deliverance

I hope you all are feeling better by now.  Not to worry we are meeting at a new time to keep us on track.  Because next Friday is "Facial Day!"  Our team of aestheticians will arrive a bit early so don't be alarmed.  I am sending the details of who is scheduled when after I find out your schedules for next week. 

Today and tomorrow I want you to think about "your thoughts".  That won't be difficult 'Cause you already do that all the time!  THIS time however, I want you to write them down.  Don't judge them simply write them.  You can write all of them, some of them, part of them....I don't care.  "JUST WRITE THEM!"

We can be like Dr Seuss - you can write them on a house, you can write them on a mouse.  You can write them on a train......

Seriously though.  We have to at least take a peak at the voices we are giving space to.  So here is a little thing I like to call "City Called Deliverance".  I hope it is a muse for you.

My love to you all and prayers for health, wholeness and joy,

“City Called Deliverance”

Where do I go?
What should I do?

Vague whispers surround me….
Do I hear what they say?
“I long to love you; to be by your side”
Why such a battle?
Why can’t you stay?
Where do you run to?
For what do you long?
Why can’t it be me with you?
Why is this wrong?

Inside I am screaming; longing for love
My exterior looks unaffected: complete and whole
Internally yearning, pleading for a touch
For someone who won’t hurt me,
To love me…. no matter what.

Vague whispers surround me…
Could they be true?
Questions start flooding…
Chaos fills my mind.
Do I dare risk it?
Will arms hold - while hands punch?
One more brutal moment
All pieces will fall.

Inside I am screaming longing for love
From someone who won’t hurt me
To love me…no matter what.

Vague whispers surround me…
It is clear what they say
A provision of deliverance
A gift of a new life.
“I long to love you: to be by your side”

Can I trust in this savior?
Does He truly know the way?
He says He will guard me with His Mercy and grace

Inside I am screaming……. loving for love
His promise is before me
Removing the cause of my pain
He’s a lifeline of rescue, clearing my way
Dusting the path to see thing in full
He is still waiting….Calling my name

Vague whispers surround me…..
“I long to love you: to be by your side”
He says he won’t hurt me,
In him I can trust
He promises to never leave me
“To love me…. no matter what.”

My exterior looks unaffected: complete and whole
One more brutal moment – all pieces will fall
His touch is eternally gentle,
His arm there to protect
His hands not bent to harm me
His grip won’t let me slip

Vague whispers surround me…
“To love me…no matter what.”
My defense now abandoned
I’m opened to my Lord
I trust He will love me
My shepherd, shield and sword
In Him I will be vulnerable
For there is no division or strife

Vague whispers surround me …
At times their pain is loud
My exterior seems unaffected
Internally, now whole
God holds me in these moments
The whispers, gentle and true
Wooing me into His family
A shelter for all who come in
Protecting us from the torrents
And debris whistling through the air

Vague whispers surround me….
Speaking guidance I trust
Warning us of the battlefield
Exposing the line that’s drawn

From inside I hear them screaming
Longing for love…..
From someone who won’t hurt them
To love them…no matter what.

Vague whispers surround them….
Do they hear what is said?
“I long to love you; to be by your side”
Why such a battle?
Why can’t you stay?
Where do you run to?
For what do you long?
Why can’t it be me with you?
Why is this wrong?

Vague whispers surround them…..
Will they believe it’s the truth?
Yours is the choice of which you call home
The poison is all around you, venomous bites
The flame upon those arrows, destroys upon contact

Vague whispers surround them….
Will it be clear for them to see?
Come within our walls, there is refuge here
You will not need to worry, the Creator is here
All timing is his, our wars have been won
The groaning is from the doomed
They’re struggling to hang on
Leave them and enter,
They are home by free choice
Our intent is to free you
Be released from their demise
Our door must close tightly, now you must rest
No more can they hurt you,
Make you cry, leave you cold
Our Father’s arms are around you,
His peace, now you’ll know

Vague whispers surround them…
“I long to love you; to be by your side”
With warmth from inside you, never to fade
Encircled by arms longing to embrace
So forever I will keep you, so you will know you are safe.
By Candace Huffmaster

Candace Huffmaster 2006© All Rights Reserved. 

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