February 19, 2011

We Can't Be Free 'Till We Allow Him To Rise

Ephesians 1:17-19 (GWT) I pray that the glorious Father, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know Christ better.  Then you will have deeper insight.  You will know the the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God's people will inherit.  You will also know the unlimited greatness of his power as it works with might and strength for us, the believers.

 Some years ago, I remember a time in my life when I felt as if God was standing over me saying, “get up!”  “Why are you just lying there?”  “Get up baby....".  I seemed to hear his sorrow for the condition of my heart.  I actually sensed His spirit grieving within me.  To be exact I felt the yearning of His power to giddy-up as if I were an equestrian telling my steed "Whoa".  The spirit is obedient to our will making a perfect square stop.  

This is where I had to ask myself, if believe what Christ told us about the spirit of God being in me and available to put a stop to what I was taking, but I trust my defeats of past attempts, then even thought the spirit is willing when my faithlessness through doubt communicates "whoa".  Instead of jumping the hurdle and running free I return to the stall and dismount.  Now I and my companion are fensed in again with my thoughts, fears, diallusionment and dispare. 

Christ is risen – I think we agree on that point. God raised Christ to reign and Christ already took His place at Gods right hand. But God gave all of us the the choice of which horse we are going to mount, when he said choose this day who you will follow, then reminded us we choose life or death. Just because we believe that Christ is the son of God and know God said this isn’t the understanding we need to be able to enter His rest. Isn't it true that even the demons know and believe all this – and they have been made Christ footstool, because they are His enemy. 

Through Christ we have to allow the spirit of God to rise IN us. Otherwise we are allowing the spirit that opposes Him to rise in us. Are you questioning that statement? Listen to what this scripture from Hebrews 3:12

“Be careful, brothers and sisters, that none of you ever develop a wicked unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God”.

God made the angels to be winds, messengers, flames of fire. They come to coaxing us forward sideways to turn like a gentle of strong wind would be. They are whispering to us planting encouraging thoughts of God’s will which will be like wind to a spark increasing the flame. This gives us energy, light and power as we go on our way. But not all angels are “for us”. What about them? Well, they are doing the same thing. “Pivotal point here People”. WE choose which we will listen to and be flamed by.

This is why God said “Cast Down False Imagination” and “Resist the Devil and He will Flee” What you have to remember is that all you have to do is resist – the angels are doing the battling not us! That is why God said it is a spiritual battle in the heavenlies.. We can’t see the angel and I don’t think it is going to do us a bit of good to start punching at one. But we can give our angels power by speaking God’s truth – whether we are singing, talking or praying to Him.  

So today think of your thoughts as weights and start lifting them. Develop a believing heart that turns toward our living God – and be safe.” Next time I see you – I want to see some muscle girls =D

Today, as you continue to "think deeply", I pray that you feel the power of His presence in a more real way each second of this day, and that you take time to thank Him for His love and protection – because it is there whether we acknowledge it or not. Thank Christ, I think he deserves it…Don’t you?

I thank God for you as I remember you in these prayers, with love,


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