January 25, 2011

We Can't Make a Solid Plan When We Do Not Understand

I am glad to say that at the moment (knowing it could happen at any time) the chaos that we are dealing with in crisis situations is not from our learning curve.  I do not say that to boast mind you.  This year already is proving to be an epiphany fireworks display. 

For instance, how many times have we referred to the writing  "My Shadow" whether in the Creativity Speaks groups, women's groups etc, it has been many.  The process of coming into relationships, hearing our Sheppard's voice and maturing so that we are not deceived is explained in this creative writing. 

Click on the TGIF tab to read what Os Hillman has to add to our understanding.  You can also go to our search tab (top left) type in shadow and refresh your thoughts from past information.  Sit with God today, let His spirit disclose anything hidden for you to see, follow Christ's examples and rise to apply what you have seen.

Only use what you understand clearly.  Where you are lacking fullness you are not supposed to take action, you are supposed to be seeking clarity, provision and confidence that you CAN do it - through Him.

With Love,

My Shadow

Let me write something pretty for you, Lord,

Let me raise my voice high.

Stir my spirit to praise you, glorifying my King.

The valley I did travel, the journey many years long,

At times I had no vision, the walls too close to see,

No feeling of compassion along my dusty road.

Hear this, my lonely traveler, My words shall persevere!

They are pounding on the pavement as feet running to be at your side.

Patience… please stop running; you are abandoning all your help!

My plan was set in motion when your first tear hit my hand.

I am your way, my sojourner; your road is up ahead.

Make plans after you’ve listened; not while you are trying to understand.

Willful dispositions, glide on the surface like glass,

The reflections are all around us; the image of each man.

My image is why you were created as my father said it was to be,

Mighty men with wasted power ‘til my reflection is what is seen.

Trials and tribulations focus the eyes to see,

Whose reflection is in the mirror?

Judging what is to be…

Focus placed on the superficial, mirrors life gone by,

In the valley of destruction, shadows still reflect

Until challenge breaks the mirror, casting fragments out of reach.

Moving forward now takes decisions,

The eye and mind unite within ,

The heart discerns the image…

Showing a reflection of the true man.

Look past the day you’re traveling,

To the hands holding back the storm,

No valley will overtake you,

No journey will be too long.

I am the Man, and you, my shadow,

I walk through the valley first,

I rose and now you’re with me,

No matter what we’re passing through.

I cast my shadow with purpose,

Made from blocking harsh light,

Harm can only come to the person,

I am that person, your Christ.

The reflection is not tangible, nor the shadow that has been set,

This is just as the spirit, transcendent of the flesh,

Reality is a lesson, the mind a tool to tame.

The learned are My inspiration… My leaders among all men.

By Candace Huffmaster © 2007 all rights reserved

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