October 11, 2010

A New Unique Creation

(NAS) Genesis 2:22-25Then the LORD God formed a woman from the rib that he had taken from the man. He brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She will be named woman because she was taken from man.” That is why a man will leave his father and mother and will be united with his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, but they weren’t ashamed of it.

There was a major change here. God did a new thing. Woman was the first of creation to be taken out of a life God created. God made this new creature unique –  to be reunited with man. Adam verbally confirmed this by his response to God when he said (my paraphrase): God you took a bone from my own body and made me something to care for. Adam was made in Gods image. God goes on to tell us that this is why…this is the reason that a man will LEAVE his father and mother AND will be united with his wife. And they will become ONE.

The next thing that happens is that the enemy entered the scene. God is divine. He knew what was happening up the road. He knew that after giving Adam instructions to protect the garden He would have to give him a reason to "fight the good fight". He also knew that in order to protect something you have to have a personal stake in it; such as fighting for yourself. Only when we can stop thinking about separation of what is yours vs what is mine and become united or one -  will the enemy (that comes to steal, kill and destroy) be a defeated foe.

Until the man covering our families see what he is calling his “woman”, until he sees that she is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh…..the enemy will continue to try and take her from him. Husbands will you allow her to be taken? This fight is your fight – not Eves. You are Adam, God called YOU in to place. What will you do, will God find you faithful to the most unique creature he create.  He did it just for you, to give you something other than yourself to fight for?

Women, today remember you are to be a help, not an obstacle. Remember God has a way for you to help your spouse. Even if they do not seem to desire what God has placed within you to offer, take it to God and pray for wisdom, understanding, gentleness, patience, the ability to love above all else and for Him to protect your heart above all else…..for out it flows the issues of life.

With the love of our Christ covering each of you this day –


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