June 4, 2010

What is Your Story?

I thougth we would take a breather today.  If you have not been working on the pieces of your story think about it today.

I've been working a bit on mine and I will share:

Tail Tale Story

The stories they change,
They twist and they turn
Like a river it flow and it swells
Around the deep bend the current picks up
And becomes as a snake slithering away.

As if I were not there
His words pierce through my heart
His deception taunting me from friends lips
The truth is the truth, not versions from sides
The facts do not lie as He states
With no one else there
It is character that stands true
My story was told beforehand
At the end of the days
All truth will be known
So today, I will live without shame
My heart knows all truth
My prayers weep the loss
My God covers and comforts my pain

When all seemed to be lost
It is Him that I found
Standing near since the day I was born
He witnessed it all
He knows the sad tale
He smashes the head with his heel

Now at the rivers bank
I sit in peace with my past
Releasing the harms I held deep,
As they gently drift far away
I rest and I wade through the pieces of my past
There is a reflection of a bright faced little girl
She seems simple and sweet: free as a bird
Then their darkness closed in for the take
She fought long and hard, she never gave up
They tried desperately to lay her body down
They trampled, they screamed . they taunted and sneered
Yet her spirit they never could break
They too are alive in the corridors of her mind
But their grip has no power to pull

She stands at the door to the end of the hall
Looking back toward them as she leaves
Though there is grief in her heart she still speaks the truth
Stating “I lived and I loved”, “I cried and I tried”
“Not for me, but to bring you a gift”
“So I leave with my peace”
“But the gift you may keep”
“You see love never ends if it is received”.
By Candace Huffmaster ©


  1. I really enjoyed reading the posts on your blog. I would like to invite you to come over to my blog and check it out. God bless, Lloyd

  2. Thank you for taking the time to comment Lloyd. I am looking forward to visiting your's as well.
    Have a wonderful weekend.


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