April 23, 2010

Conversations With My Dad

Journal Entry: Vision of a Mountain

I desire to glorify you, Oh Lord, in all I say and do
Let my steps and words be confident, through you.
My heart I lay open, to rest in your palms,
     for healing and preparation, for guidance and repair.
When finished, you touch me, all protection in place
Obediently I go forward with trust and good will,
     knowing your presence is here with me still.
The provision will last me and when all is done,
My shelter is waiting with you at the door,
     to start the whole process of giving me more.
The days all go quickly, time is not the same
Moments are mountains to some that I see.
The miracle, you grant me, of showing your face
To those who know struggles or when life weakens their faith.
I speak to the mountain and start moving on,
“They say are you crazy?”, “I’m not going your way!”
I say, “What mountain?”, “I told it to move!”
They shake their head, “stupid!” ‘Just go your way!”.
I tell them “My Father is preparing my path”.
“When they travel foot hills my path is laid low”
Away, they start moving, I ask them to wait
    to consider an outcome which could be their fate.
We both have a highway; a path we are on
We neither have knowledge of what is on the road
Did we create the system; a design from start to end?
I know not what is beyond the turn on my way
Or who will be out there and what their intent is
I only know the creator and his love for me.
His provision is perfect - no matter the day.
In fact, he so loved you before you knew me.
He asked me to help you; he knew your name.
We all have our choices and he respects yours.
He wanted to tell you, there is danger ahead.
I want to be here, if you want to see …..
      the path of great beginnings, of faith, hope and love
To quiet your questions….. just walk out of faith
The mountain will vanish; till then just hold strong
      to the promise of provision, content in His love.
By Candace Huffmaster ©

Read 2 Corinthians 11 and 12
I am excited to hear your from you, the vision or mountain in your writings next week.  I thank you all as always for sharing!
With Love,

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