January 17, 2010

What are YOU looking at!

Mason chose the devotional for  today it is from T.D. Jake's "Strength for Every Moment". I too love how T.D. is so incredibly straight forward. He does not say too many words so that we are confused and have to read between the lines. As I type that do not think I do not realize the irony coming from my fingers "the woman with so many words"

It is hard for us to look at ourselves . Understandably so, we are with ourselves all day long 24/7. I think that is one reason we look at everyone else. Our thought life is constantly convicting and if not wrangled will start to turn into self loathing - so we deflect our thoughts. We just don't get it....He continually tries to explain it to us.

I pray today that we take our eyes of others and even ourselves to put them onto our Lord. Let us focus on His love, not the brokennes this world causes in each of us. He is the healer and lover of our souls. That in all moments is where we should strive to live from.

With the Love of our Christ, may we touch someone in His love today so that He is see in as the very real God that He is.


Renew Your Strength

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might he gives strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31

When your pity party is over and you are ready for His help, God will say "Don't you know? Haven't you heard who I am - the everlasting God? I am the creator of the universe. I am not a child; I am not a school-boy- I am God. Who do you think you are fooling? I'm God. I held your breath in the palm of My hands. I created your body, I heat your blood just hot enough to keep you alive but not so hot that you die. Who else do you allow to control your life? If it is not Me, then who? I love you. I created you in My image. I am that I Am."

What more does the Lord have to do to show you He love you? Don't let satan continue to fool you into thinking that the God has forsaken you.

Stop doing things that you don't have any business doing. Repent and confess your sins instead of spending the time pointing out the sins of everyone else. Admit that you have fallen so that your healing may begin.


The Essence of Beauty

The essence of beauty is as wide as it is deep,
Multiplicity of color, radiance beyond belief,
Simple to our vision, explosive to the mind,
Alive when implanted into the tenderness inside.
Fingers touch and capture a memory shared between,
Smells engulf the soul and rise up within our air,
The full body of all emotions, encapsulated, mystically, in a tear,
Pure essence of the senses rush through our being like a birth,
Truth that is unstoppable, a manifestation of all that is unseen,
Whirling winds of majestic moments giving life by the lover’s heart,
Silence is all that is able because mere words cannot relate.

By Candace Huffmaster

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