October 20, 2009

Love Angle

Loving people the way they need to be loved does not always coincide with the way they want to be loved. Agreement will necessitate maturity of discernment.

In thinking about loving someone as we should, there is a very important factor of love that is overlooked, in my opinion, and that is intent. We cannot truly love someone without our intent being, caring for and commitment toward, the receiving individual. In other words, whomever that intent is in favor of is whom the object of our “love” is directed at. This is how we know if we are in fact in love with someone else or simply in love with ourselves.

If our actions are ultimately neglecting the nurturing, encouragement, or support of the one we are in the relationship with, then whether our intent is to do that or not it is still happening to them. We cannot see how harmful our actions, words, etc are unless we are open to looking at our true love angle.

It is important to understand neglectful behavior happens when we commit to relationship, but then do not have the discipline or selflessness to follow through due to lack of discipline within ourselves. This has to do with areas in which we as individuals have to address maturity principles and seek wisdom.

Our word “understand” is from a Hebrew word, BYIN –which means to discern , perceive, observe, pay attention, to be intelligent, to heed, to instruct, to teach, to attend to, to be sensible. It pertains to superior knowledge. One must know how to use information wisely, we perceive through our senses. As Jesus noted in Matt 13:13 it is possible to hear without perceiving. This understanding is a gift from God. We can pray for it and God can reveal it. The seat for this ethical insight is the heart. (Proverbs 28:5) We must diligently pursue it.

My Prayer for us all is that we mature into our head, which is Christ.  Then our love will be complete; missing  nothing!

Much love to you all,

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