December 17, 2010

Ministry in Word

The Greatest Prophecy


For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

A Messianic Prophecy


Prophet Isaiah prophesied of the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, into human history as a man years before it actually happened. This simple verse contains a great deal of blessings about Christ’s mission in the world.
临,他成为一个人进入了人类历史。 这简单的一节圣经包含关于基督在世上的使

A Child and A Son


Our Messiah was born into this world as a baby, having a human beginning though he existed before the world was created. He is eternal so he has no divine beginning and ending. He is the one and only Son of God the Father, given out of God’s love for the world so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but has eternal life (Jn 3:16). He was given to us to take on the flesh and blood of man and to atone for our sin on the cross as the only sinless, perfectly righteous among men ever walked and will walk on earth.
For us He laid down His life and took it up again, victorious over death, the wage of sin, so that we may also be freed from the sting of death (1 Cor 15:54-55).
前就存在了。 他是永恒的,因此他没有神性的起点和结尾。 他是父神的仅有儿
3:16)。 他被赐给我们来成为人的血肉之躯和作为在世人之中自古至终唯一无罪,

His Government


He came, He saw, He conquered. He came into this sinful, dark world as a humble infant, to identify with our human weakness. He saw the pain and suffering in this world as an itinerant teacher, to shine His light into wherever received Him. As the Messiah He conquered death after offering Himself as a perfect sacrifice on the cross to redeem  mankind from the penalty of their sin. He ascended to heaven but is ruling as king in the hearts of those who belong to Him. He will return one day when all the knees shall bow and all the mouths shall confess that He is Lord (Php 2:10-11). He rules His kingdom in
love with perfect justice to bring out everyone’s best. He shoulders His government as the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.
照接受他的地方。 作为救主他以献上自己作为十字架上完善的祭,来从人类罪的
惩罚中赎回他们,他征服了死亡。 他升天了,但他在属于他那些人的心中作王。
有一天他将要回来,那时万膝将跪拜,并且万口要承认他是主(腓 2:10-11)。 他以


Wonderful Counselor


He is called Wonderful Counselor because He is the one who guides us with the wisest advice regarding life. This is because His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways (Is 55:9). He is also called Wonderful because of His ability to work wonders and do what is marvelous and astounding in the eyes of man. But the most wonderful and unbelievable thing He had done is that while we were still sinners He died for us, thus demonstrating His love for us (Ro 5:8). He is called Counselor because
He is our advocate, standing at the right hand of God, doing the wonderful thing of interceding for us (Ro 8:34) and arousing the lost soul in its deadness into a new life.
他被祢为奇妙策士,因为他是以最明智的,关于生命的忠告引导我们的人。 这是
因为他的意念高过我们的意念,他的道路高过我们的道路(赛55:9)。 他也称为奇
妙,是由于他能做非常奇妙的事情和能做不可思议与在人眼中令人震惊之事。 但
美妙的事,就是为我们代求(罗 8:34)和激起毫无生气的失落灵魂来得到新生命。
Mighty God

Nothing is impossible with God (Lk 1:37). Christ is powerful for He is God. He is not a man who had become god, but He is God Almighty. He is the mighty God who is coeternal with the Father (Jn 1:1) and who made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness (Php 2:7). He is the mighty God who is the author of faith that is like a mustard seed yet with it we can cast aside mountains in our life(Mt 17:20). He is the mighty God, capable of blessing us with wonderful things in our life, first of which is our salvation.
在神没有难成的事(路1:37)。 基督是大有能力的因为他是神。 他不是一个人成为
神,而是他是万能的神。 他是与父神同为永恒之大有能力的神(约1:1),而他反倒
虚己,取了奴仆的形像,成为人的样式(腓2:7)。 他是像芥菜种籽的信心之源头,
有了这信心我们可以迁移我们生命中的山(太17:20),因他是大有能力的神。 他是

Everlasting Father


Christ our Lord is forever with the heart of His loving Father who is always waiting for us to repent and return to Him. Christ was, is, and will be with the Father, yet He once dwelled among us and now His Spirit dwells in us (Jn 1:1-4, 14). He cares for and loves us like a father, with our best interest in His mind. He is the everlasting God, willing and capable of blessing us with wonderful things in our life.
基督我们的主永远是带着等待我们悔改和回到他那里的慈爱天父的心。 基督以前
中居住(约1:1-4, 14)。 他像一个父亲地关心和爱我们,以我们的最大的好处为念。 他是永恒的神,愿意和有能力赐福给我们,使我们在生命中有美妙的事。

Prince of Peace


Christ is the Prince of Peace who brings true peace between God and men. He, as our Messiah who brings not truce only but restoration of relationships, had dealt with the cause of hostilities between God and men and among men which is sin. For all who received Him as their personal Savior, this peace has entered their life (Ro 5:1). Christ is the Prince of Peace, not only willing and capable of blessing us with wonderful things in our life, but actually acted on His willingness and capability to bless us with the inner peace in this tumultuous world.
就是罪。 对于接受他作为他们个人救主的所有人,这和平进入了他们的生命(罗
:1)。 基督是和平的君,不仅愿意和有能力赐福给我们使我们的生命中有美妙的


A Prophecy Fulfilled


Christ is the Prince of Peace so our relationship with God may be set right and secure through Him. He is our loving Father who always has our best interest in mind. He is mighty so what is in His mind will come to pass. He gives the best advice so we can have the greatest hope in Him.
基督是和平的君,因此我们与神的关系可以通过他使其正确和巩固。 他是心中为
我们着想的慈爱天父。 他是如此大有能力的在他心里想像的都必实现。 他给我们

On the first Christmas the Christ Child was born to Mary the virgin in Bethlehem, thereby fulfilling this messianic prophecy. Today and everyday since the first Easter the risen Christ has knocked at the door to our hearts asking to enter. Whoever open the door and invite Jesus into their life will have the blessings from our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.
言。 今天和自从第一个复活节的每天,复活的基督在敲我们的心门要求进入。谁

Won’t you invite Jesus into your heart today?

Tom and Tehwan Tso

“The outcome of your faith is the salvation of your souls.” 1Peter 1:9
“信心的果效, 就是灵魂的救恩” 彼得前书1:9

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