October 12, 2010

Ministry in Word

Drawn To Him

And I, if I am lifted up from the earth will draw all people to Myself.

Jn 12:32

It is Jesus’ promise that if He is lifted up, He will draw all people to Himself. And that includes me. But then why at times I am so indifferent, at times I am so distant from Jesus? Yes, it is because when Jesus is not lifted up in my life, He does not draw me to Him. I fail to remain in Him.

When I don’t give priority of position to Jesus in my life, I am not lifting Him up and therefore I am far from Him. If He is not the Lord of my life, I am drawn to something else. If He is not the Lord of my all, He is not my Lord at all.

When I don’t give priority of time to Jesus in my life, I am not lifting Him up. If I don’t spend time first sitting at the feet of Jesus to adore Him and to learn from Him, I will be preoccupied by things of secondary importance and miss His wisdom and grace. If I let the first thing be first, everything else will line up properly.

When I don’t give priority of resources to Jesus in my life, I am not lifting Him up. If I do not invest and store up treasure in heaven, I will be putting away my precious thing in a leaky bag or where they can be stolen. That is bad investment and I will not be a good steward. Where my treasure is lies my heart. So by investing in Jesus, my heart will be drawn to Him.
When I don’t give priority of trust to Jesus in my life, I am not lifting Him up. I won’t be drawn to Him. If I trust horses and chariots more than trusting in my Lord, I will not rest secured because I trust in man made things instead of the Creator of all things. No matter how I act like I worship my Lord, if my trust is not in Him my heart is far from Him.

When I love God with all my heart, mind, spirit and strength, I am lifting Jesus up and I will be drawn to Him. My strength to love comes from the God who is love. The object of my love is Jesus who is the way and the truth and the life. Let me lift up the way, truth, and life. Let the way, the truth, and the life draw me to Him.

Tom and Tehwan Tso

“The outcome of your faith is the salvation of your souls.” 1Peter 1:9
“信心的果效, 就是灵魂的救恩” 彼得前书1:9

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